Leverage on Creative Talents to Get Anxiety Out

Fears, anxiety, and depression can rob us of precious time from our life.

Hence, we may find it extremely frustrating that others are moving ahead of us and accomplishing so much more while we are still so stuck with our fears, anxieties, and deep sadness.

For example, we may be so gripped with fear to do something even as simple as asking someone out on a date.

We may be spending so much time thinking over and over again about something that we said to someone the other day, wondering whether we used the right words, whether we hurt their feelings etc.

We may be depressed that we are unable to accomplish something or get something that we so desperately want.

These are time wasters. They rob us of precious time from our lives!

They don’t get us anywhere in life except to keep feeding our own mind with depressive thoughts that constantly keep us emotionally down.

So how can we overcome this horrible condition of constantly thinking and worrying and just move forward by accepting who we are and doing what we do best.

One way is to look within us and to find those creative talents that we have been blessed with that have been on the shelf of our lives for many years completely unused.

Maybe we are blessed with writing poetry. Every time we want to worry, we can pull our notebook out and start writing a poem expressing our anxious feelings into a beautiful poem that can inspire not only us but many others as well. Then we can post them online and let others be inspired by them too!

Maybe we are blessed with the ability to draw and paint. The next time we start to worry we can get our painting stuff out and start expressing our feelings into a beautiful piece of art. Then we can gift them to deserving recipients or collect them and sell them. 

Maybe we are musical. When worry comes to our mind we can take out our musical instrument and start playing something that expresses out our emotions.  How amazingly inspiring that can be not only to us but to others around us too!

By shifting our thoughts and worries into our creative talents we give them an opportunity to be expressed in profitable ways that both inspire us and others.

If we make this into a regular practice, we will soon find that this becomes an extremely useful coping strategy to stop wasting time thinking and worrying and to use it in very profitable ways to not only express our anxious feelings out but also to be progressing with life with the talents we have been blessed with.


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