Corporate Services

Coaching is a powerful source of development that leads to change and results whether that be through Executive Coaching, Training Courses and or Workshops & Talks.


Training Courses


Workshops & Talks


Employees within an organization may be grappling with the stigma surrounding mental health, which can both deter them from seeking the support they desperately need and perpetuate suffering and isolation.

Through the above services organizations can take proactive steps to raise awareness among employees about mental health issues.

Such initiatives will help employees to have greater exposure to recognizing the signs of mental health struggles, to understanding the importance of seeking help and also to debunk common myths surrounding them.

By organizing regular mental health training courses, workshops and talks and even support groups, organizations can create spaces for employees to normalize discussions about mental health.  

This normalization of mental health conversations goes beyond simply acknowledging the issue; it actively encourages employees to embrace and address their mental well-being as an essential aspect of their lives without fear of judgment.

Don’t wait till a crisis hits the organization in the area of mental health issues. Take pro-active steps so that you are better prepared to handle mental health challenges from mild stress to mass trauma – as and when they do arise as well as to create an environment that fosters greater mental well-being, resiliency, and real flourishing.

If you want to discuss a specific topic for a talk, workshop or a full course please send me an email below: