Couple and Marriage Counselling in Singapore

Couple Therapy | Christian Marriage Counselling Singapore

No relationship is perfect. Every relationship has its own dynamics; hence, a couple must find their own unique way to get along in a loving and caring manner. To some this may come easier than to others.

If your relationship is not as fulfilling as you want it to be, then it would be prudent to consider reaching out for couples counselling straight away! If you wait until the relationship has become really bad, then it may even be difficult to bring up the topic of counselling with your partner.

Couple or Marriage Counselling will help tackle the full range of your relationship issues, from minor disagreements to major problems which, if not addressed, may lead to a separation or a divorce.


Online Couples Therapy in Singapore

Online couples therapy provides a convenient and flexible option for couples seeking to enhance their relationship without the need for physical visits to a therapist's office. Utilising video conferencing technology, this mode of therapy allows couples to engage in meaningful discussions and receive professional guidance from the comfort of their own home. It's an ideal solution for busy couples, those in long-distance relationships, or anyone looking for a more accessible form of support.

60 Minutes Online Counselling Singapore

$250 SGD per session




90 Minutes Online Coaching Singapore

$375 SGD per session




Why is Marriage Counselling Essential for Couples?

As a modern, fast-paced society that juggles various cultural expectations and stresses, living in Singapore has unique challenges that can strain relationships. Marriage counselling provides a critical support system for navigating these challenges effectively.

Key reasons why marriage counselling is essential for couples in Singapore include:

Enhancing Communication:

- Helps couples develop better communication skills to express their thoughts and feelings effectively.

- Teaches strategies to listen actively and empathetically, crucial for resolving conflicts and deepening understanding.

Resolving Conflicts:

- Provides a neutral environment where couples can discuss issues without judgment.

- Offers professional guidance to help identify the root causes of disputes and develop constructive ways to manage them.

Strengthening Connections:

- Facilitates deeper emotional connections by encouraging couples to explore and express their needs and vulnerabilities.

- Reinforces the partnership's foundations through shared goals and mutual understanding.

Navigating Life Transitions:

- Supports couples through major life changes such as parenthood, career shifts, or relocating, which can significantly impact relationships.

- Helps adapt to new roles and responsibilities while maintaining a healthy relationship dynamic.

Rekindling Romance:

- Assists couples in re-establishing intimacy and rediscovering the romantic aspects of their partnership.

- Offers space and time to prioritise the relationship away from daily responsibilities and stress.

How can I Convince my Partner to get a Couple's Counselling?

When considering couple counselling, the challenge often lies not only in recognising the need for it but also in convincing your partner to embark on this journey together. Begin by expressing your feelings and concerns openly, without placing blame or making your partner feel pressured. Explain that seeking couple counselling is not an admission of failure but rather a proactive step towards strengthening your bond and enhancing your relationship. Emphasise that counselling provides a safe space for both of you to express yourselves freely, with the guidance of a neutral professional who can help clarify misunderstandings and introduce effective communication techniques.

Approach the conversation with empathy, understanding that the idea of counselling might be intimidating or perceived as unnecessary by your partner. It can be helpful to discuss the specific benefits you hope to gain from relationship counselling, such as improving communication, resolving longstanding conflicts, or renewing emotional intimacy. Assure your partner that their feelings and opinions will be valued and respected during the sessions. You might also suggest attending just an initial session with no obligations to continue if it doesn't feel right. This can help lower the stakes, making the decision to try relationship counselling feel less daunting and more like a step you're taking together as a team.

Christian Marriage Counselling in Singapore

When couples engage in Christian counselling, they can expect to explore common marital challenges such as communication barriers, financial disagreements, and intimacy issues within the framework of Christian values and teachings. This approach not only addresses practical relationship dynamics but also integrates spiritual growth, helping Christian couples forge a more profound connection both with each other and their faith. The counselling process is enriched with biblical principles that guide couples towards forgiveness, understanding, and renewed commitment.

Maya Perera, our principal counsellor, has over thirty years of experience in life coaching and a robust academic background, including a Master of Divinity in Pastoral Ministries and a Master of Arts in Counselling from Singapore Bible College. This allows her to offer a comprehensive, customised Christian counselling experience that addresses a wide range of issues.

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